Showing posts from July, 2022
Statistics show that more than half of people with schizophrenia are addicted to nicotine. And they smoke quite a lot - up to 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. In some countries, such as the United States, 90% of schizophrenics are smokers. At the same …
Schizophrenia is an unpredictable mental illness that can take many forms. Some patients have only one or two attacks in their entire lives, others lose touch with reality in a matter of months. Some types of pathology develop rapidly, and some progr…
Schizophrenia manifests itself in different ways depending on the form and variety. However, even in severe cases, this pathology can be distinguished from others similar to it. With mixed forms of mental disorders, everything is much more complicate…
Salts are synthetic drugs that are consumed in the form of powders, tablets, and mixtures, including smoking ones. Under their influence, a person may behave inappropriately. Moreover, even hallucinations and delusions are possible, which are observe…
Schizophrenia is treated in a variety of ways. The main ones are drug therapy and psychotherapeutic sessions. In severe cases, when nothing helps the patient, insulin injections are prescribed and the patient is put into a state of hypoglycemic coma.…
Rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia, along with drug treatment, is one of the most important stages in helping patients suffering from this mental illness. A competent, individually selected rehabilitation program helps in organizing everyda…
One of the most characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia, which is found in 80% of patients, is delusional ideas. What it is? Delusions are stable conclusions and beliefs that have nothing to do with reality. Delusion in a schizophrenic patient is one…
The symptomatology of schizophrenia is so extensive that only a few monographs can list all its symptoms. This is because this disease has many forms and varieties. Moreover, the psyche of each person is unique, so it is difficult to predict exactly h…
Schizophrenia can lead to a complete disintegration of the personality when a person loses his "I" and connection with reality. But some of its forms are easy and do not cause serious complications. Latent schizophrenia, also called latent s…
Schizophrenia can progress in different ways. One of its forms is called sluggish. It is characterized by a slow course with an unexpressed set of signs. It can develop in a patient for years, and he will not suspect any illness in himself. Psychopat…
Dementia is an acquired dementia, that is, an intellectual disorder in which there is a persistent decrease in cognitive activity. This manifests itself in the loss of old skills and the inability to acquire new ones. More often this form of dementia …
Schizophrenia is often confused with other disorders and syndromes. This is due to the similarity of signs in different mental pathologies, as well as a large number of forms and varieties of schizophrenic spectrum diseases. Most of them are difficul…